Microfabrication and Integration Using Sub-Picosecond Laser Pulses and Magnetic Assembly

Microfabrication and Integration Using Sub-Picosecond Laser Pulses and Magnetic Assembly


Laakso, Miku. Microfabrication and Integration Using Sub-Picosecond Laser Pulses and Magnetic Assembly. Doctoral Thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 2020. TRITA-EECS-AVL-2020:10. ISBN 978-91-7873-430-6. 


  • Microfabrication
  • Integration
  • Sub-picosecond laser pulses
  • Magnetic assembly
  • Through-substrate vias
  • Through-silicon vias (TSVs)
  • Through-glass vias (TGVs)
  • Laser drilling
  • High-temperature applications
  • 3D printing
  • Silica glass
  • Laser induced surface modifications
  • Vertical microchip assembly 


This article likely discusses a process for fabricating through-glass vias for use in micro-electronic packaging using magnetic assembly. 


This doctoral thesis explores microfabrication and integration techniques using sub-picosecond laser pulses and magnetic assembly.

  • The thesis focuses on two main methods:
    1. Using sub-picosecond laser pulses to add and modify materials locally.
    2. Using an external magnetic field to assemble fragile, micrometer-sized objects.
  • The author explores six applications for these techniques, with a focus on packaging and integrating microsystems.
  • A key application is the creation of through-substrate vias, which are electrical interconnections through device and package substrates.
- Laser drilling enables the creation of these vias in locations where conventional etching techniques are not feasible.
· This approach allows for tilted holes, potentially improving radio-frequency performance.
- Magnetic assembly is used to place metal conductors into holes in glass substrates.

· Glass offers advantages like lower radio-frequency losses but presents challenges in creating uniform holes.

  • The thesis also examines the use of sub-picosecond laser pulses to create 3D microstructures in silica glass, a material with excellent optical properties.

- This technique enables the fabrication of structures smaller than one micrometer.

  • Another application explored is using sub-picosecond laser pulses for direct surface structuring, specifically creating ripple patterns on metal surfaces.

- These patterns, known as laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS), can impact surface properties like wetting, cell growth, and optical characteristics.

· The thesis investigates the relationship between chemical changes induced by the laser pulses and the reflective properties of these ripple patterns.

The thesis provides a comprehensive overview of these techniques and their potential applications in microfabrication and integration.

Origin: https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1413030/FULLTEXT01.pdf
