What is the difference between deep UV and EUV?

Differences Between Deep UV (DUV) and Extreme UV (EUV) Lithography

Deep Ultraviolet (DUV) and Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) lithography are two pivotal technologies used for microfabrication in the semiconductor industry, producing integrated circuits and microchips with ever-decreasing feature sizes. Despite their common use in lithography, they entail distinct properties and applications due to their wavelength characteristics and technology infrastructure requirements.


DUV lithography utilizes light with wavelengths ranging from 190 to 365 nanometers. In contrast, EUV lithography employs much shorter wavelengths, typically around 13.5 nanometers. This drastic difference in wavelengths is foundational in distinguishing the capabilities and applications of DUV vs. EUV.


EUV technology enables significantly higher resolution patterning compared to DUV, due to its shorter wavelength. This is crucial for continuing the miniaturization of semiconductor devices, allowing for circuits with smaller features below 10 nanometers.

Complexity and Cost

EUV systems are considerably more complex and expensive than DUV systems. The production and maintenance of EUV lithography equipment, including the need for a vacuum environment due to the EUV light absorption by air and most materials, make it a higher investment technology.


While Duv is widely used for a broad range of applications within the semiconductor fabrication process and has been the standard for many years, EUV lithography has been specifically developed to push the boundaries of how small semiconductor device features can be, catering to high-end, ultra-small manufacturing needs.

Development and Adoption

DUV lithography has been around and in use for a longer time, making it a well-established technology. EUV lithography, on the other hand, is relatively newer and has been in development for over 30 years. However, it is now becoming increasingly adopted as the need for smaller semiconductor devices grows.

Substrate and Mask Differences

The substrates and masks used in EUV lithography differ significantly from those used in DUV lithography. EUV employs reflective masks rather than the traditional transparent ones used in DUV, due to the high absorption of EUV light by conventional materials. Additionally, the substrates must be engineered to minimize absorption and maximize reflection at EUV wavelengths.

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