Automated photosensitivity enhancement in optical fiber tapers
Paterno, Aleksandro S. and Valmir de Oliveira and Hypolito J. Kalinowski. “Automated Photosensitivity Enhancement in Optical Fiber Tapers.” Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications, vol. 10, no. 1, June 2011, pp. 24-32.
- Photosensitivity Enhancement
- Optical Fiber Tapers
- Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs)
- Flame-Brush Technique
- Germanium-Oxygen Deficient Centers (GODCs)
- Excimer Laser
- Reflectivity
- Bragg Wavelength
This article describes a new technique for enhancing photosensitivity in optical fiber tapers that uses a lower temperature flame and a propane-butane mixture instead of a Hydrogen-Oxygen flame.
This article examines a modified flame-brush technique used to enhance photosensitivity in optical fiber tapers for faster Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) imprinting.
- The traditional flame-brush technique, which enhances photosensitivity for FBG inscription, uses a Hydrogen-Oxygen flame.
- This study uses a commercially available, air-aspirated propane-butane mini-torch in the flame-brush setup.
- This setup, tested on optical fiber tapers with varying diameters, demonstrated enhanced photosensitivity even with the lower temperature of the propane-butane flame (approximately 1000°C) compared to the Hydrogen-Oxygen flame (approximately 1700°C).
- The researchers found that photosensitivity enhancement was more pronounced in fiber tapers with smaller diameters.
- They concluded that this heightened photosensitivity in smaller diameter tapers was likely due to the combined effect of changes in the fiber core's diameter and the generation of Germanium-Oxygen Deficient Centers (GODCs) during the flame-brushing process.
- While the propane-butane flame-brush technique shows promise, the article suggests further investigation into using different types of flame-brushed fibers.
Origin: https://www.scielo.br/j/jmoea/a/prFfFdSF8LxCLbxJ7fSQkKk/?format=html&lang=en