Transmission property and evanescent wave absorption of cladded multimode fiber tapers
The article, "Transmission property and evanescent wave absorption of cladded multimode fiber tapers," was written by Shangping Guo and Sacharia Albin of the Photonics Laboratory in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Old Dominion University. It was published in volume 11, issue 3 of Optics Express, a journal published by the Optical Society of America. The article was received by the journal on December 5, 2002, and the final revised version was received on February 1, 2003. The article appears on pages 215–223 of the issue.
- Cladded Multimode Fiber Tapers
- Evanescent Wave Absorption
- Chemical Sensors
- Transmission Property
- Taper Ratio
- Refractive Index
- Sensitivity
- Mechanical Strength
This article discusses cladded multimode fiber optic tapers and their application as chemical sensors using evanescent wave absorption.
This article, published in Optics Express in 2003, was written by Shangping Guo and Sacharia Albin. The article discusses the use of cladded multimode fiber optic tapers as chemical sensors. The authors explain that, unlike uncladded fiber optic tapers, cladded multimode fiber optic tapers are mechanically stronger and easier to manufacture. Cladded multimode fiber optic tapers don't require the cladding to be stripped, which makes them easier to fabricate and increases their strength in comparison to uncladded tapers. While cladded tapers are less sensitive than uncladded tapers, particularly when the taper ratio (R) is small, both types can achieve higher sensitivity with longer tapers. The article also notes that the sensitivity of cladded multimode tapers is affected by the refractive index of the external medium. Specifically, when the refractive index of the external medium is similar to the fiber index, the sensitivity is reduced because of the cladding.
Origin: https://opg.optica.org/oe/fulltext.cfm?uri=oe-11-3-215&id=71211