Absolute efficiency of a two-stage microchannel plate for electrons in the 30–900 eV energy range
The provided source excerpt lists the authors as A. Apponi, F. Pandolfi, I. Rago, G. Cavoto, C. Mariani, and A. Ruocco. The title of the article is "Absolute efficiency of a two-stage microchannel plate for electrons in the 30 - 900 eV energy range". The Version of Record of the article is available online at https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6501/ac3d07.
- Microchannel plate (MCP)
- Absolute efficiency
- Electron energy
- Two-stage chevron MCP
- Pulse height distribution
- Single-electron events
- Saturation
- Secondary electrons
This article examines the absolute detection efficiency of a two-stage chevron microchannel plate (MCP) for electrons in the 30–900 eV energy range and finds an efficiency of (0.489 ± 0.003) with no evident energy dependence.
This article discusses an apparatus designed to measure the absolute detection efficiency of a detector for electrons in the 30–900 eV range, specifically a two-stage chevron microchannel plate (MCP). The authors found that the MCP had an absolute efficiency of 0.489 ± 0.003 with no noticeable energy dependence. They also determined that the pulse height distribution of the signal was quasi-Gaussian with a weak energy resolution. The article goes on to explain that the lack of energy dependence is likely due to the fact that in the absence of an attracting electric field, secondary electrons produced on the MCP surface are unlikely to enter the channels of the device.
Origin: https://www.semanticscholar.org/reader/e79f63b6592432bf781ba3e4281019776bdf50df