Numerical simulation of outgassing characteristics of microchannel plate glass

Numerical simulation of outgassing characteristics of microchannel plate glass


APA Style: Yao, Z., Pang, Y., Yuan, Y., Hu, W., Bu, R., & Fan, H. (2021). Numerical simulation of outgassing characteristics of microchannel plate glass. AIP Advances, 11(7), 075015. 



This article uses numerical simulations to show how various gases diffuse in and outgas from microchannel plate (MCP) glass, a key component of low-light-level image intensifiers. 


This 2021 article, published in AIP Advances by Ze Yao, Yan Pang, Yuan Yuan, Wenbo Hu, Renan Bu, and Huiqing Fan, uses numerical simulations to understand outgassing from microchannel plate (MCP) glass used in low-light-level image intensifiers. Outgassing, the release of trapped gases, can degrade the vacuum inside these devices and shorten their lifespan.

Here are the key findings of the article:

  • Simulation Methods: The researchers used grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to study the behavior of gases within the MCP glass structure.
  • Gas Diffusion: Simulations showed that gas diffusion, or movement, inside the glass increases at higher temperatures. Smaller gas molecules, like hydrogen, diffuse faster than larger ones.
  • Outgassing Rates: As expected, outgassing rates are initially higher at higher temperatures due to increased gas diffusion. However, these rates decrease faster over time.
  • Cumulative Outgassing: The total amount of gas released depends on the initial gas concentration in the glass. The rate at which this outgassing plateaus is determined by the gas diffusion coefficient.
  • Experimental Validation: The simulation results were compared to experimental measurements of water outgassing from MCP glass. The simulation predicted a similar trend to the experiment, supporting the validity of the simulation method.

In essence, the article demonstrates the usefulness of numerical simulations in understanding and predicting outgassing behavior in MCP glass, which is crucial for improving the performance and lifespan of low-light-level image intensifiers. 

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