Study of the Electric Field inside Microchannel Plate Multipliers

Study of the Electric Field inside Microchannel Plate Multipliers


"Study of the Electric Field Inside Microchannel Plate Multipliers" by E. Gatti, K. Oba, and P. Rehak. This paper was a Contributed Paper at the 1982 Nuclear Science Symposium in Washington, D.C. The symposium took place from October 20-22, 1982.


  • Microchannel Plate Multipliers (MCPs)
  • Electric Field
  • Pulsed Bias Tension
  • High-Rate Conditions
  • Positive Ion Feedback
  • Channel Recharging Time
  • Bulk Conductivity
  • Afterpulsing


The provided source focuses on the electric field inside microchannel plate multipliers, particularly under pulsed bias tension and high-rate conditions, and does not contain a summary of the article "Fast microchannel plate detector for particles" by Peter Wurz and Lukas Gubler. 


This article presents a study of the electric fields inside microchannel plate multipliers (MCPs), which are important for understanding their performance, especially under pulsed conditions and high rates of operation.

  • The researchers found that the electric field inside an MCP channel rotates from an initial angle to a steady state when a voltage is applied.
  • The time it takes for this rotation to happen is much longer than what would be expected based on a simple RC circuit model of the MCP.
  • The researchers demonstrated a new method of operating MCPs that is free from positive ion feedback, which limits the gain of standard MCPs.
  • This method involves pulsing the voltage applied to the MCP with a duty cycle matched to the rotation time of the electric field.
  • They also investigated the effects of the multiplication process on the electric field inside the MCP channels and found that the time it takes for the channel to recharge is much longer than what a simple RC model would predict.
  • The authors suggest that MCPs with conductive channel walls could improve rate capability because of the contribution of radial current to the neutralization of charge build-up in the channels.


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