A Two-Stage Mathematical Model for Evaluating the Modes of Forced Vibrations of an Aircraft Skin Element with the Use of Fiber-Optic Technologies


Sizonov, I. I., Barabushka, A. S., & Mukhin, I. E. (2023). A Two-Stage Mathematical Model for Evaluating the Modes of Forced Vibrations of an Aircraft Skin Element with the Use of Fiber-Optic Technologies. Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Control, Computer Engineering, Information Science. Medical Instruments Engineering, 13(3), 52–63. 


  • monitoring and diagnostics system
  • vibration
  • skin element
  • aircraft
  • oscillation increase coefficient
  • resonance
  • residual resource
  • optical fiber
  • Bragg grid


This article presents a two-stage mathematical model for evaluating the modes of forced vibrations of an aircraft skin element using fiber optic technologies.


The article, titled "A Two-Stage Mathematical Model for Evaluating the Modes of Forced Vibrations of an Aircraft Skin Element with the Use of Fiber-Optic Technologies" and authored by I. I. Sizonov, A. S. Barabushka, and I. E. Mukhin, was published in 2023. The journal it was published in is called "Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Control, Computer Engineering, Information Science. Medical Instruments Engineering."

Origin: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/A-Two-Stage-Mathematical-Model-for-Evaluating-the-Sizonov-Barabushka/822db12d66faa79ff5c3e2c0c96b54a4f32ef725
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